We’re pleased to announce updates to both the Carafe.fmp12 and the Carafe Bundler CLI tools.
These new features streamline the process of configuring, editing, and testing Bundles.
But First, What is Carafe?
To support FileMaker developers in leveraging JavaScript, our team built an open-source tool, Carafe. It simplifies the process of integrating JavaScript in FileMaker without sacrificing functionality. It’s completely free and open-source, and we encourage you to use and add to it! Learn more.
Register Watcher
The new Watcher feature allows you to host the Carafe file and register watchers on different FileMaker client platforms. These include Mac, Windows, iOS, and WebDirect with various supported client versions. The main use case for this feature is to automatically smoke test a Bundle on multiple client platforms as you make changes on a development client.

Edit Locally
Several of the new features provide better support for working in development mode as you’re building or configuring a Bundle. You can check out a Bundle into source files on your desktop client, and reload from the linked source. Whenever you refresh the linked source, it triggers an event that triggers all the registered watchers to reload. There are also new streamlined push options in the CLI client. See the Carafe Documentation and/or the Carafe GitHub project for more on working with the CLI.
Deploy Development Mode
Sometimes it’s difficult to perform proper integration tests with just sample data. The new Development Mode deployment option creates a link back to Carafe. It allows you to deploy the bundle to a real solution for data with merged configs and template from Carafe as you make changes. Once your configuration and template are ready, you can swap out the development build with a production build and remove the development dependency on Carafe.
Change Log
Carafe 2.2.0
Enhancements and Additions
- Overwrite option to the Import Carafe Bundle script
- Improved editing and debugging options from within FileMaker
- Ppt-in Bundle watcher to automatically refresh the Bundle preview on change
- Development mode to deployment options
- Send Carafe Bundle option to support ingesting Bundle from the file system
Bug fixes
- CodeSandbox previewName type bug
- Deployment bug in CDATA terminating character combo
Carafe Bundler CLI 2.0.0
Enhancements and Additions
- Configurable watchedFiles to support Bundle projects with their own separate build mechanism
- Configurable sendFmpUrl to support custom FileMaker file and script names
- New send-server which automatically sends changes to FileMaker