How to Customize FileMaker WebDirect Demo

Learn how to use built-in functionality in FileMaker to customize your application’s login process by following Mike Duncan’s demo file. This file demonstrates several techniques. The first technique utilizes the built-in FileMaker functionality for logging in by invoking the “Re-Login” script step. The second outlines how to build your own authentication dialog using FileMaker fields and handle everything in a script. With either technique, you need to rely only on FileMaker functionality to develop a truly customized application.

Read Mike Duncan’s blog post and follow along on his demonstration video to learn more about how to use the demo file.

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3 thoughts on “How to Customize FileMaker WebDirect Demo”

  1. Hi Mike
    I have tried to download the file “How to Customize FileMaker WebDirect Demo” a number of times by filling out the form without success. It says “Your files are on their way!” but no files come. Can you please help me with this?

    1. Hi Tony,
      I’ve tested the download form and confirmed that the follow-up email with the download link is working properly. Have you checked the spam folder of your email client?

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